marketing.ideas! understands the unique communication needs when informing and educating about human services. We have had for example experience in creating advertising campaigns targeting Local Governments for After Hours Contact Centre Services both via print and online advertising campaigns. The objective of the campaign was to position the client as the provider of choice for local governments, increasing awareness for their brand and generating traffic to their website. marketing.ideas! provided advertising strategy, campaign planning services as well as creative concept(s) and copywriting services for this project.
marketing.ideas! has had extensive experience in the field of transportation, with clients including both VicRoads and Transurban. We have executed advertising campaigns to support the launch of a new GPS Navigation product. This incorporated the development of a complete advertising strategy for channel and retail activities addressing client objectives, brand strategy and key target markets. Delivery channels including TV, print and online were identified and a full campaign plan implemented. With constant reference to the client brief, creative concepts were developed and the entire advertising strategy project managed by marketing.ideas! The advertising campaign was delivered within a very tight budget and in a short timeframe.
marketing.ideas! has had a close relationship with the education sector, developing community portals for Monash University and developing radio advertising campaigns on behalf of clients with the purpose of educating their target markets. The latter project required the development of a campaign strategy that addressed the client's business structure and key objectives. The advertising campaign also required project management expertise and creative concept development including radio script-writing. The campaign planning addressed the need to incorporate the radio advertising into a wider online campaign plus lead management procedures and processes to interface with the internal sales force and call centre.
The team at marketing.ideas! have a solid understanding of technology and technical users with decades of experience in blue chip ICT organisations. Our experience extends across all elements of brand management and advertising. Recent experience includes the development of a new brand, through design and identity management which resulted in the brand identity closely aligning with the client's long term goals and aligning with their target markets. Services provided included artwork creation, typesetting, copywriting for a complete set of collateral and communications pieces supporting the new brand. These included brochures, website, brand usage guidelines and the brand and identity elements.
Meet some of the people we've worked with.
Thanks to our relationship with them, and many others, we've gained a great deal of expertise that you can benefit from :-)